[TEST]The university held a meeting on party conduct and clean government building in 2019


Theuniversity held a meeting on party conduct and clean governmentbuilding in 2019

On the morning of April5, the university held the 2019 Party work conference on cleangovernance. The Secretary of the Party Committee and the President ofthe University respectively made speeches on studying andimplementing the spirit of the important speeches of the CentralCommission for Discipline Inspection, especially General Secretary XiJinping, implementing the work requirements of the Provincial PartyCommittee, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, andthe Provincial Education and Work Committee, and promoting theconstruction of a clean and honest Party in our university. DeputySecretary of the CPC Party Committee and Secretary of the CPCDiscipline Inspection Committee presided over the meeting andsummarized the university's work on building a clean and honest partyin 2018 and made plans for the work in 2019. All school leaders andofficials above the deputy head attend the meeting.

At the meeting, thesecretary asked to "implement the 'two responsibilities', builda clean campus, and provide a strong political guarantee for theschool's transformation and development", and put forwardspecific requirements for further strengthening the school's partystyle and clean government construction: first, adhere to thediscipline and rules in front, with discipline to control all partymembers and cadres. Second, fully implement the main responsibilityof governing the Party with strict discipline and practice the "fourforms" of supervision and discipline enforcement; Third,strictly investigate and punish corruption that happens around thepeople; Fourth, highlight the key points, pay close attention to theimplementation, promote the construction of party conduct and cleangovernment achieved new results. Build to director, director,achieving it, good positive atmosphere, to carry out the "order"of work requirements, set up the integrity self-discipline, do thingsclean, "don't touch the high tension line up, not down thebottom line" the sense of integrity, exercising the culturalpersonality, social personality and the political personality,creating great speed, reveal big spirit, concise culture, promote thetransformation of school development.