[TEST]Innovative development takes party building seriously


Innovativedevelopment takes party building seriously

On the afternoon ofNovember 5th, the theory Center group of the University PartyCommittee organized a concentrated study in the 502 conference roomof the administrative building, which mainly included three parts:the Code of Honesty and Self-discipline of the Communist Party ofChina, the Regulations on Disciplinary Measures of the CommunistParty of China and the Communique of the Fifth Plenary Session of the18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Secretary,President, deputy secretary and vice President attended the meetingand talked about their experience. Leaders of the Commission forDiscipline Inspection and Supervision Office, organization andPersonnel Department and the school office attended the meeting asnon-observers.

The meeting held thatthe communique of the fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC CentralCommittee is a clear guidance for China's development in the nextfive years, and it specifies development goals, paths and othercontents in detail. The communique is rich in content and containsmany new formulations, among which the most touching theme is"development". It analyzes the six principles ofdevelopment as "for the people", "science","deepening", "law", "internal and externalcoordination" and "upholding the Leadership of the Party".The five concepts of "innovative development", "coordinateddevelopment", "green development", "opendevelopment" and "Shared development" are the biggesthighlights of development.