[TEST]Understanding and grasping the strategic plan of Two Centenary Goals -- Vice President Liao Minsheng preached the spirit of the 19th National Congress


Understandingand grasping the strategic plan of Two Centenary Goals -- VicePresident Liao Minsheng preached the spirit of the 19th NationalCongress

Onthe afternoon of December 30, the vice President of our school made aspecial report entitled "Understanding and Grasping theStrategic deployment of the" Two Centenary Goals ", whichmade an in-depth interpretation of the strategic deployment of the"two centenary Goals" and organized the research andthinking of this topic. The vice President of the Party Committeepresided over the report.

Thevice President first elaborated the time, frequency and profoundconnotation of the "two centenary goals" from a historicalperspective, and emphatically analyzed the discourse of the "twocentenary goals" in the report of the 19th National Congress.

Thefirst centenary was to complete the building of a moderatelyprosperous society in all respects by the time the Party was foundedin 1921 and 2020. The vice President expounded the concept of"moderately prosperous society", the significance ofbuilding a moderately prosperous society in all respects, the basicstandards of building a moderately prosperous society in the newcentury, the new requirements of the 19th National Congress onbuilding a moderately prosperous society in all respects and the maincontents of the "grand goal of building a moderately prosperoussociety in all respects" by 2020. He said that colleges anduniversities should have a deeper understanding of Xi jinping'sremarks on "further concern, understanding and strategy, andpromote colleges and universities to continuously make newachievements", and strive to cultivate high-quality talents anddo a good job in scientific research.